Google Keep desktop
po文清單文章推薦指數: 80 %
關於「Google Keep desktop」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
- 1Google Keep:記事和清單
只要設定地點提醒,Keep 就會在您抵達商店時立即顯示購物清單。 所有裝置皆可使用• 您可以直接前往 使用Google Keep 線上版,也可以在An...
- 2Migrate from the Keep Chrome app - Google Keep Help
Existing users who have Chrome version 86 or newer will be able to migrate to by ...
- 3Installing Google Keep Desktop Version - YouTube
- 4Mac、Linux的Google Keep for Desktop 桌面版工具 - 挨踢路人甲
首先到Google Keep for Desktop 的官網上,如下圖畫面紅色框內選擇想要的系統版本。 例如筆者選擇Windows版下載後隨即安裝。
- 5Google Keep - Notes and Lists
Google Keep - Notes and Lists. offered by To download to your desktop sign into Chrom...